The Goddess Temple

Is a Divine Sacred Safe Space for us to reconnect to self, our wishes, dreams, desires and truth and in doing so we will in turn reconnect to The Divine Feminine.

The last couple of years has certainly taken its toll on all of us and now is the perfect time to once again stand in our power and be our true divine authentic selves

The Goddess Temple is a private Facebook Group, where we can learn, grow and share

Where we can once again be students and gain wisdom, inspiration and insights from 

The Goddesses

Its a monthly membership group, which includes

Dedicated Goddess each month

Goddess Workshop

Guest Speakers

Goddess Rituals

Moon Rituals

Crystal Rituals

Goddess Oracle Cards

Come Sit With Me


And so much more

The membership fee is £22 per month

If this is something that interests you or you would like more information please contact me on 07984397177

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